The HIMSS Foundation in coordination with the United States Department of Health and Human Services' Office of the Chief Technology Officer, and the United Kingdom’s NHS Digital launches its inaugural U.S.-U.K. Data Analyst Exchange Program August 27 through September 5.
The exchange program formed because HIMSS has the capability to bring together global leaders, foster an environment for dialogue and bridge the global gap of transforming health around the world. This group and their findings will influence heath data science locally, regionally and globally.
The exchange is a 10-day, multi-site visit, for eight professionals representing health informaticists, data scientists, epidemiologists and data strategists at the state, local and tribal levels from Colorado, Indiana, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin, and Washington, D.C.
Exchange participants will collaborate with their U.K. colleagues to identify approaches relating to health data science projects in addressing health imperatives including:
In the U.S., local and state health departments are modernizing their health and human services systems and shifting business processes toward a Public Health 3.0 future. The HIMSS Foundation’s exchange program will empower health leaders in adopting enhanced data analytics, improve surveillance among other uses of health information to inform policy making and drive innovative strategies to combat a range of complex local to global health and human services issues. HIMSS Foundation’s exchange is one step toward supporting a well-trained global health analytics workforce.
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